Watch Attorney Diane Miller’s Presentation

Homeopathic Remedies and the Law

Homeopathic remedies are under increased scrutiny by the FDA since the FDA published their new 2022 Policy Guidance Document entitled Homeopathic Drug Products Guidance for FDA Staff and Industry”.  The good news is that homeopathic advocates are working to block the FDA from unfairly taking action against homeopathic remedies at least for the next year by submitting an amendment to the Senate Appropriations bill H.R. 4368, that reads in part:  “SEC. lll. None of the funds made available by this Act to the Food and Drug Administration may be used to take an enforcement action solely on the basis that a homeopathic drug product is a new drug…”

National Health Freedom Action’s vision is to change the federal law to ensure that homeopathic remedies are forever recognized as generally regarded as safe, similar to the presumption of safety for foods instead of being legally presumed as dangerous.

Listen to attorney Diane Miller explain the current laws surrounding homeopathy and what the vision is for the future for access to homeopathic remedies by clicking the button below.